Mark Dunny
Sr. Leadership Consultant
Mark has over 35 years in the Pharmaceutical, Biotech and Healthcare industry. His roles have included various roles of Field Sales management, Managed Care account management, contracting, and Hospital and Institutional Sales. His career journey is marked with leadership and sales performance awards at every level. According to Mark his most coveted awards are Peer selected Peer Leadership awards he has achieved in 4 different organizations.
He has been part of the leadership teams of three major field sales force expansions, has led small sales teams which covered the entire nation for specialty sales forces, and was part of the start-up company Bone Care International, which eventually merged with the Genzyme Renal Organization (where he first worked with Courtney). Mark held numerous Sales Leadership positions at Genzyme eventually becoming the Director of the Renal Training and Leadership Development team.
He has multiple product launch experiences in multi-disease states including Cardiovascular, Antibiotic, Neurological, Anxiety and Depression, ADHA, Renal, and rare disease (including MS and Parkinson’s Disease).
Mark’s over 15 years of Training and Leadership Development experience include building programs for new management training, Field Director & Executive leadership training, Career development and product training.
In 2012 Mark was hired as Vice President of Healthcare for RGIS. Since 2014 Mark has provided Leadership and Career coaching consulting services for individuals and small to mid-size organizations.